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How Upsellit’s Anonymous Visitor ID Recovers Online Revenue

You probably know by now that lead recovery is an extremely important part of ecommerce. But, did you know that there’s a way to identify and recover 3-5x more anonymous shoppers?

Upsellit identifies anonymous shoppers on your website and recovers them with highly-personalized, effective emails. The identification of anonymous shoppers is made possible by a combination of lead generation strategies, cross-device visitor detection, and shopper profiles. This identification creates shopper profiles, which are used to deliver Inbox Incentive emails that help you recover more revenue… 3-5x more. 

Upsellit’s Anonymous Visitor ID works in four simple steps. Let’s break down exactly how it all works. 

Step 1: Database Match

First, Upsellit securely stores shopper profiles in its database. It aggregates key information from consumers who opt-in to Upsellit’s Inbox Incentives program. Sophisticated shopper profiles include purchase behavior, interests, preferences, and apparel sizing. 

As each shopper in the database continues through the customer journey, behavioral data is continually added to the shopper profile in order to deliver an increasingly personalized customer experience.

Step 2: Lead Listener

Armed with a database of sophisticated shopper profiles, Upsellit is able to recognize visitors that previously provided their contact information to sign up for coupons, free email offers, and other brand updates. Upsellit does this through its intelligent global Precapture which detects new form fields across advertisers’ websites and collects lead information the instant it’s typed. Presubmit lead data is also enriched with autocomplete and autocorrect. 

This enables the combination of past and present shopping behavior to deliver highly-personalized abandonment recovery campaigns.

Step 3: Journey Mapping

Upsellit uses a combination of digital fingerprints and first party cookies to connect anonymous shoppers to Upsellit’s data management platform. Then, every subsequent visit is tracked and shopper behavior is logged so that Upsellit can identify the perfect time to send the perfect message… and to know when not to send anything at all.

Step 4: One-to-One Emails

Upsellit’s email engine delivers highly-personalized messages. Emails are filled with sophisticated features including advanced segmentation, predictive recommendations, cart rebuilder technology, and the ability to auto-apply coupons. On-brand creatives and intelligent machine-learning work together to optimize opens, clicks, and conversions.

Turn Anonymous Traffic Into Lifelong Customers

When Upsellit converts anonymous shoppers, everyone wins. Marketers gain 3-5x more recovered shoppers, and shoppers gain access to the web’s best coupons, right in their inbox via Inbox Incentives. Upsellit’s anonymous emails are truly the future of lead recovery.

To learn how Upsellit’s Anonymous Visitor ID can help your brand, enter your details below for more information.

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