Engaging Strategies to Heat Up Your Summer Marketing

Amanda AmoreSeasonal Marketing

As summer emerges, shoppers look for ways to enjoy the season through outdoor activities and festivities. This seasonal shift brings a wave of opportunities for ecommerce stores to cater to shopper’s evolving needs and preferences. Whether it’s gearing up for backyard barbecues, preparing for music festivals, or getting ready for beach vacations, consumers are on the lookout for products that … Read More

4 Reasons SMS Marketing is More Popular Than Ever

JJ TysonRemarketing Experience

4 Reasons SMS Marketing is More Popular Than Ever

SMS marketing is more effective than ever. Although marketers have utilized text messages since the 90s, the medium has exploded in popularity recently. SMS marketing grew nearly 200% between 2015 and 2017 and shows no signs of slowing down.  Similarly to Facebook retargeting, SMS messaging leverages real-time personalization to enhance the customer experience. It allows companies to reach a broad … Read More

How to Take Your Emails from Serious to Seriously Engaging

JJ TysonRemarketing Experience

Seriously engaging emails

269 billion emails are sent every single day, with the average user receiving about 88 daily messages. It’s more important than ever to craft engaging emails. If your messages aren’t getting opened, try adding humor in emails. While it’s true that incentives and urgency can work wonders for a email campaign, a powerful marketing tool we often overlook is humor … Read More

Reasons to Include Valentine’s Day in Marketing Strategies

JJ TysonSeasonal Marketing

Reasons to Include Valentine's Day in Marketing Strategies

Although it was initially a day of remembrance for a Catholic martyr, Valentine’s day is now a mostly secular celebration of love. As traditions of gift giving have expanded over the years, so has the holiday’s annual revenue. In fact, conservative estimates by the NRF have forecast $20.7 billion in spending for this year. This is why you should include … Read More

8 Spam Words to Remove From Your Emails

JJ TysonRemarketing Experience

Spam Words to Remove From Your Emails

Spam filters have come a long way since the early days of email. Once a relatively spotty service, email security has beefed up considerably over the past few years. While this is generally a good thing, it can spell trouble for legitimate email marketers. Even if you follow best practices, overactive spam filters can send your messages straight into digital … Read More

Marketing to Your Customer’s New Year Mindset

JJ TysonSeasonal Marketing

Marketing to Your Customer's New Year Mindset

For many, New Year’s resolutions are an annual tradition. Domestically, almost half of the U.S. population participates in this annual goal setting. As a concept, the phenomenon brings a sense of inspiration and hope. However, this is certainly dampened when you realize how many resolutions are unsuccessful. Though New Year’s resolutioners tend to feel very determined in first weeks of … Read More

New Year, New Email Remarketing Strategy!

JJ TysonRemarketing Experience

New Year, New Email Remarketing Strategy

Happy New Year! It’s officially 2019, and there’s never been a better time to be in ecommerce. Sales across our industry continue to steadily increase, and it looks like another banner year for online retail. With that being said, ecommerce businesses will face bigger competition this year. It’s more important than ever to improve your email remarketing strategy. In “Looking … Read More

Targeting the Last Minute Shopper

JJ TysonSeasonal Marketing

Targeting the Last Minute Shopper

Shopping for gifts can be a difficult process, especially when you’re a last minute shopper. Shoppers can often feel a sense of hopelessness as they hurriedly search for suitable gifts. Plus, seeing more proactive friends and family finished with their holiday shopping can make them feel like a failure. If you’re a last minute shopper – take heart – you’re … Read More