How to Leverage Behavioral Segmentation to Increase Conversions

Megan BlackburnRemarketing Experience, Website Experience

How to Leverage Behavioral Segmentation to Increase Conversions

The past few years have been a whirlwind for data-driven ecommerce. Retailers have more granular information than ever before about their shoppers, repeat customers, and even those who never make a purchase. 76% of shoppers prefer brands that offer personalized experiences and leveraging behavioral segmentation gives brands a huge opportunity to do just that. But all that data is only … Read More

Online Retailer’s Guide to Effective A/B Testing

Kristen IndiharWebsite Experience

Retailer's A/B Testing Guidge

Understanding your customers and optimizing their experience online is key to success. One of the most powerful tools at your disposal for achieving this is A/B testing. This guide will walk you through the fundamentals of A/B testing so you can make data-driven decisions based on real user behavior, rather than relying on assumptions or guesswork. What is A/B Testing? … Read More

The Impact of Synchronized Solutions on User Engagement

Kristen IndiharWebsite Experience

In the ever-evolving ecommerce landscape, conversion rate optimization solutions have become the norm for the majority of brands. However, some choose to go with in-house solutions and plug-ins in an attempt to cut costs, only to find out that this strategy ends up being more expensive in the long run. Juggling multiple plug-ins that don’t integrate smoothly can ultimately result … Read More

Social Proof Strategies and Their Importance in Ecommerce

Kristen IndiharWebsite Experience

Social Proof Strategies and Their Importance in Ecommerce

Establishing credibility and trust with your audience is key to building a successful ecommerce brand. One important tool in achieving this is social proof – the psychological phenomenon where people mimic the actions of others in an attempt to reflect that trending behavior. By leveraging various social proof strategies, ecommerce retailers can boost their brand authority, instill confidence, and ultimately … Read More

How Upsellit Maximizes Revenue for Home & Decor Brands

Amanda AmoreWebsite Experience

Back in 2020, we all began spending more time at home, leading to a redefinition of what functions a “home” could serve. Suddenly, a home was no longer just a place to sleep. It also became an office, classroom, fitness space, and entertainment hub. Four years later, consumers continue to define the home as a multifunctional space, proving that this redefinition … Read More

Turning Clicks into Profit with Conversion Rate Optimization

Amanda AmoreWebsite Experience

If you’re investing time in crafting attention-grabbing emails, securing ad space, and launching social media campaigns, yet struggling to translate that attention into sales, you’re not alone. Many retailers face this common challenge. To overcome it, you must pinpoint the barriers preventing those clicks from converting into revenue. Every click in ecommerce represents a potential sale, marking the first step … Read More

Mobile vs. Desktop CRO: How to Maximize Mobile Campaign Performance

Amanda AmoreWebsite Experience

In today’s world of smartphones, businesses trying to reach mobile users face challenges like limited screen space and short attention spans. A successful mobile campaign needs short, personalized messages.  However, it’s not just about making content fit smaller screens; it’s about creating impactful content that inspires quick action. What works for desktop users might be too detailed for quick-scrolling mobile … Read More

Site Abandonment and How to Decrease it at Every Stage of the Customer Journey

Kristen IndiharWebsite Experience

Site abandonment and how to decrease it at every stage

Site abandonment is a major challenge that can significantly impact your bottom line. Luckily, there are strategies to successfully combat abandonment and transform lost opportunities into conversions. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll provide you with actionable insights and techniques to decrease abandonment rates on your website. Explore the intricacies of user behavior, understand the underlying causes of site abandonment, and … Read More

How Upsellit Maximizes Revenue for Fashion & Apparel Brands 

Amanda AmoreWebsite Experience

How Upsellit Maximizes Revenue for Fashion & Apparel Brands

The fashion industry is undoubtedly having a major moment. In fact, the industry is anticipated to surpass the $200 billion mark for the first time ever in 2024. For fashion and apparel retailers, this history-making benchmark is a golden opportunity to turn each website visitor into maximized revenue. That’s where Upsellit’s industry expertise comes in.  This blog post is the … Read More

Understanding Upsellit’s Website Experience Solution

Amanda AmoreWebsite Experience

Understanding Upsellit’s Website Experience Solution

Firstly, let’s provide some insight into the company behind the Website Experience Solution — that would be us, Upsellit. We’re a leading conversion optimization partner and we create hyper-personalized solutions to increase conversions, order values, customer loyalty, and more. Our campaigns are meticulously tailored to align with our clients’ goals and key performance indicators. We’ve grouped all the ways that … Read More