How to Increase Brand Awareness in a Competitive Landscape

JJ TysonRemarketing Experience

Title Card for "How to Increase Brand Awareness in a Competitive Landscape

Building brand awareness is a key facet of expanding any ecommerce business. Brand awareness is intricately linked with brand identity – the general perception of your brand in the eyes of consumers at large.  In a world where new ecommerce sites crop up every day, brand awareness allows you to separate yourself from the pack and generate more conversions. But … Read More

5 Sender Name Ideas to Increase Email Open Rates

UpsellitRemarketing Experience

5 Sender Name Ideas to Increase Email Open Rates

The Importance of a Sender Name Sender names contribute greatly to the most influential metric in email marketing – open rates. Aside from the actual delivery of your message, the sender name and subject line have the biggest impact on open rates. And when open rates increase, your conversion rate will likely follow. Sender names are the first thing a … Read More

How to Combat Price Sensitivity Using Price Drop Alerts

JJ TysonRemarketing Experience

How to Combat Price Sensitivity Using Price Drop Alerts

In ecommerce, we know that people abandon for a variety of reasons. Some consumers become distracted, some are chronic window shoppers, and some just don’t want to pay for shipping. However, one of the most common reasons for abandonment is perhaps the simplest: price sensitivity.  Price sensitivity is friction to conversion that results from concerns about a product’s price. While … Read More

4 Reasons SMS Marketing is More Popular Than Ever

JJ TysonRemarketing Experience

4 Reasons SMS Marketing is More Popular Than Ever

SMS marketing is more effective than ever. Although marketers have utilized text messages since the 90s, the medium has exploded in popularity recently. SMS marketing grew nearly 200% between 2015 and 2017 and shows no signs of slowing down.  Similarly to Facebook retargeting, SMS messaging leverages real-time personalization to enhance the customer experience. It allows companies to reach a broad … Read More

Integrating SMS Marketing with On-Site Engagement

JJ TysonRemarketing Experience

Integrating SMS Marketing with On-Site Engagement

Although it’s been in use for over a decade, SMS marketing has become increasingly popular in the last few years. As we discussed in “3 Ecommerce Trends to Know for 2019,” mobile marketing is more important than ever. Cell phones are essentially ubiquitous, and text messages have become an increasingly viable channel for reaching consumers. SMS marketing offers a number … Read More

How to Take Your Emails from Serious to Seriously Engaging

JJ TysonRemarketing Experience

Seriously engaging emails

269 billion emails are sent every single day, with the average user receiving about 88 daily messages. It’s more important than ever to craft engaging emails. If your messages aren’t getting opened, try adding humor in emails. While it’s true that incentives and urgency can work wonders for a email campaign, a powerful marketing tool we often overlook is humor … Read More

Grow Your Customer List with Effective Lead Capture Strategies

JJ TysonRemarketing Experience

Grow Your Customer List with Effective Lead Capture Strategies

Effective lead capture is the backbone of effective email remarketing. Without a well developed email list, it doesn’t matter how good your messaging is, you won’t be reaching people. That being said, the average person receives around 88 emails a day – and most folks aren’t clamoring to increase that number. Fortunately, there are several tried and true methods for … Read More

8 Spam Words to Remove From Your Emails

JJ TysonRemarketing Experience

Spam Words to Remove From Your Emails

Spam filters have come a long way since the early days of email. Once a relatively spotty service, email security has beefed up considerably over the past few years. While this is generally a good thing, it can spell trouble for legitimate email marketers. Even if you follow best practices, overactive spam filters can send your messages straight into digital … Read More