Understanding Geographic Segmentation: Factors, Benefits, and Examples

Amanda AmoreRemarketing Experience

Understanding Geographic Segmentation: Factors, Benefits, and Examples

Today more than ever, personalization is the key to optimizing the user experience and driving sales and brand loyalty. Leveraging data collection to create a personalized experience is an important aspect of strategic marketing. Segmentation is a means of categorizing that data in order to guide campaign direction. Segmentation helps companies organize their audience into smaller categories, allowing for more … Read More

Recover Lost Sales With Back in Stock Emails

Kristen IndiharRemarketing Experience

Recover Lost Sales with Back in Stock Emails

Running out of a popular product can cost ecommerce sites hundreds, if not thousands of conversions. Recently, out of stock items cost retailers $1.14 trillion dollars. Luckily, there is a simple solution that can mitigate stock issues: back in stock emails.  Back in stock emails leverage out of stock inventory to recover sales, build brand loyalty, and provide a better … Read More

8 On-Site Strategies To Grow Your Email List

UpsellitRemarketing Experience

Title card for 8 On Site Strategies to Grow Your Email List

The Importance of Growing Your Ecommerce Email List Although generating conversions will always be a main goal, leads are a crucial part of building brand awareness while paving the way for future conversions down the road. With over 4 billion email users worldwide, 60% of consumers report making a purchase after receiving a promotional email. Furthermore, 95% of consumers check their … Read More

Best Practices for an Abandonment Email Strategy

Amanda AmoreRemarketing Experience

Best Practices for an Abandonment Email Strategy

It can be frustrating when a customer makes it all the way to the final stages of the shopper journey, only to abandon their cart. Luckily, with the right abandonment email strategy, you can win shoppers back and recover those otherwise lost sales. What is an Abandoned Cart Email? Let’s start with the basics. An abandoned cart email is exactly … Read More

The Research Behind Effective Email Send Times

Amanda AmoreRemarketing Experience

Title card for "The Research Behind Effective Email Send Times"

If you ask 100 marketers “What’s the most effective email send time?” –  you’re likely to get 100 different answers. The debate about the perfect time/day for email sends is as old as email marketing itself.  In the past, dozens of studies have tried to nail down the “golden hour” for optimizing opens and click-throughs. However, results from studies have … Read More

4 Ways to Capture Leads Without Offering an Incentive

UpsellitRemarketing Experience

4 Ways to Capture Leads Without Offering an Incentive

Effectively capturing new-to-file leads is one of the most important aspects of growing an ecommerce business. While incentive strategies are frequently used to expand your email list, there are many effective ways to capture leads without offering an incentive. Why is Lead Capture so Important?  Globally, the overall ecommerce conversion rate is less than 3%, meaning almost 97% of website … Read More

Reducing Unsubscribe Rates like an Email Marketing Expert

Amanda AmoreRemarketing Experience

Reducing Unsubscribe Rates like an Email Marketing Expert

Are you looking to reduce email unsubscribe rates? We’ve got you covered! Let’s keep it real – email unsubscribes are bound to happen every so often. It’s just a part of email marketing. Hey, it may even be a good thing to lose subscribers that aren’t engaging with your brand! It’s not you, it’s them. But if we’re being honest, … Read More

Getting Customers to Hit Refresh with Lifecycle Campaigns

JJ TysonRemarketing Experience

Getting Customers to Hit Refresh with Lifecycle Campaigns

Online marketplaces are increasingly competitive and retailers tend to focus on immediate conversions. Since converting a returning customer is 5-10x more cost effective than converting a new one, customer retention is arguably even more important than new customer acquisition. Initial conversions aren’t the end, they’re just the beginning. Cue lifecycle campaigns! What are Lifecycle Campaigns? Lifecycle campaigns build on relationships … Read More

How to Nurture and Engage Shoppers with SMS Marketing

JJ TysonRemarketing Experience

How to Nurture and Engage Shoppers with SMS Marketing.

A strong SMS marketing strategy is more important than ever before. Marketers love SMS because it offers fast response times and high open rates. Likewise, consumer attitudes have shifted towards SMS marketing, with 66% of people worldwide using text messaging to engage with companies. Of course, while SMS marketing shares some attributes with email marketing, there are many differences. SMS … Read More

Email Personalization Strategies to Boost Online Sales

JJ TysonRemarketing Experience

Email Personalization Strategies to Boost Online Sales

Personalization is one of the most important aspects of an effective email remarketing campaign. Personalized subject lines, body content, and calls to action are proven to increase open and click through rates. But what makes personalization so powerful?  Why is Email Personalization Important? It Builds a Relationship Marketing emails have a reputation for seeming dull and generic. Personalized messaging enhances … Read More